Chapter 5: Input and output

Divs, spans, and style classes

As we saw in the introductory chapter, text inside rule bodies gets printed. The text is treated as a sequence of words and punctuation. Furthermore, the (par) built-in predicate produces paragraph breaks, and (line) produces line breaks.

Output can be further organized into divs (divisions) and spans. Divs are rectangular areas of text, usually extending to the full width of the containing window, to which style hints can be applied. Spans allow style hints to be applied to a stretch of text without breaking it out into a separate rectangle.

The purpose of divs, spans, and style classes is to allow the same story to run on many different platforms, with varying support for advanced presentation techniques. Furthermore, these mechanisms promote a clean source code structure, by isolating the presentation aspects from the text and logic of the story.

The syntax for creating a div is (div $) followed by a statement. The parameter is a style class, and the statement is usually a block. Example:

	(div @quote) {
		This could be displayed in italics, for instance, if
		the corresponding style hint is defined for the @quote

Likewise, a span is created by (span $) followed by a statement. The following example assumes that style classes @bold and @italic have been defined:

	(span @italic) { Lorem Ipsum }, he (span @bold) emphasized .

The output, depending on which hints appear in the style class definitions and to what extent they are supported by the interpreter, could be:

Lorem Ipsum, he, emphasized.

Style classes are identified by words, but these words don’t end up in the game dictionary (unless they’re also used elsewhere, of course). This is particularly relevant if removable word endings are used (see the input section below).

What a given class is supposed to look like is determined by compile-time queries to the (style class $) predicate, with the name of the class as parameter. Style attributes are specified using a small subset of CSS, the widely known Cascading Style Sheets syntax of the web. All style attributes are regarded as optional hints, so a backend or interpreter can pick and choose among them, or ignore them altogether.

Here is an example style definition:

(style class @quote)
	font-style: italic;
	margin-top: 2em;
	margin-bottom: 2em;

The Å-machine backend copies all style definitions verbatim into the story file, which makes them available to interpreters at runtime. The official javascript Å-machine interpreter in turn hands them over to the web browser. Thus, with this particular setup, the full set of CSS properties are supported.

Nevertheless, authors are advised to think of styling as optional icing on the cake, and to avoid encoding critical information in the style hints. Be considerate of the people who choose to engage with your story using a screen reader, or who prefer to play on vintage hardware. Never change the text colour without also changing the background colour, as the player may be using an interpreter with a dark or light default background.

The Z-machine backend, and the 8-bit Å-machine interpreter, only support a limited number of style attributes. For divs and spans in the main text area, they are:


Supported values are italic and inherit.


Supported values are bold and inherit.


The value is checked for the presence or absence of the keyword monospace.


This attribute only affects divs. The value must be an integer followed by the keyword em, with no whitespace in between. The size of the resulting margin is the given number of blank lines.


This attribute only affects divs. The value must be an integer followed by the keyword em, with no whitespace in between. The size of the resulting margin is the given number of blank lines.

There is currently no support for the combined margin and font attributes.

Nested style contexts and the flow of execution

Divs and spans can be nested, but only in a strict tree-like structure. Divs may not appear inside spans. If this is attempted, a runtime error is generated.

There are three ways to leave a div or span during normal program execution:

  • The inner statement might succeed. In this case, any remaining choice points are discarded, and the (div $) or (span $) expression itself succeeds. The choice points must be discarded to prevent the same div or span from being exited more than once.

  • The inner statement might fail. In this case, the (div $) or (span $) expression also fails.

  • The inner statement might invoke (stop) to break out of a surrounding stoppable environment.

Regardless of how the inner statement terminates, the div or span is concluded as usual, and the style attributes of the surrounding context are restored on the fly. In case of a div, for instance, this means that the bottom margin takes effect.

Case conversion and inline styles

The built-in predicate (uppercase) forces the next character to be printed in uppercase. The standard library uses this to define the following convenient predicates:

(A full $Obj)	(uppercase) (a full $Obj)
(A $Obj)	    (uppercase) (a $Obj)
(It $Obj)	    (uppercase) (it $Obj)
(Its $Obj)	    (uppercase) (its $Obj)
(Name $Obj)	    (uppercase) (name $Obj)
(That $Obj)	    (uppercase) (that $Obj)
(The full $Obj)	(uppercase) (the full $Obj)
(The $Obj is)	(uppercase) (the $Obj is)
(The $Obj)	    (uppercase) (the $Obj)

The built-in predicate (space $) prints a given number of space characters in succession.

In addition to spans and divs, it is possible to change the current text style on the fly. Use the built-in predicates (bold), (italic), (reverse), and (fixed pitch) to enable each respective style, and (roman) to disable all four. The predicate (unstyle) reverts to the default style of the current div or span, which is roman by default.

Status areas

The following special syntax:

	(status bar $Class) statement

executes the inner statement while redirecting its output to a special location at the top of the screen, called the top status area. The statement is usually a block.

The syntax:

	(inline status bar $Class) statement

creates an inline status area within the main flow of text.

The Å-machine backend treats status area styling like it does div styling in general: All style properties are passed to the interpreter, which is then free to interpret them according to the CSS standard or ignore them. The official javascript interpreter simply hands them over to the web browser. The same advice applies as for general divs: Don’t assume that the reader will use an interpreter that obeys all style hints.

It is not possible to save the game state (to a file or undo buffer) from within a status area, or to enter a nested (status bar $) or (inline status bar $) from within a status area. Such operations will result in a runtime error.

Output sent to a status area does not appear in the game transcript.

Top status area

The top status area should be styled with a height attribute, specified in em units. The Z-machine backend will reserve this many lines at the top of the screen.

(style class @status)
	height: 1em;

(program entry point)
	(status bar @status) {
		Look at my status bar!

On the Z-machine, text inside the top status area is always rendered in a fixed-pitch font. When entering the status bar environment, Dialog fills the status area with reverse space characters, enables reverse video, and positions the cursor in the top left corner.

Spans and inline style changes (bold, italic, reverse, fixed pitch, and roman) are ignored in the top status area.

The top status area can be split into multiple segments horizontally. These segments are described using so called floating divs. These have a float attribute that is set to either left or right to determine where inside the status area the segment should be located. The width of the segment can be specified in absolute numbers (using the ch unit) or as a percentage of the width of the surrounding div, which is normally the top status area itself.

Floating divs can be further subdivided, either horizontally using floating divs, or vertically using ordinary divs (or simply with line breaks).

Let’s extend our simple status bar with a score display in the upper right corner:

(current score 0)

(style class @status)
	height: 1em;

(style class @score)
	width: 20ch;
	float: right;

(program entry point)
	(status bar @status) {
		(div @score) {
			(current score $S)
			Score: $S
		Look at my status bar!

In CSS, em represents the height of a capital M, while ch represents the width of the digit zero. On the Z-machine, they both refer to the width or height of a character, depending on context, and are interchangeable. But it is good practice to specify widths in ch and heights in em.

The Z-machine backend, and the 8-bit Å-machine interpreter, obey the following style attributes in the top status area:


For the top-level (status bar $) div only: The desired height, expressed as an integer followed by the word em.


For divs nested inside the top status area: The desired width, as an integer followed by a unit. Supported units are ch and %. One ch represents the width of a character in the fixed-pitch font.


For divs nested inside the top status area: The desired location within the surrounding div. Must be either left or right.


Works as it does for ordinary divs, but is ignored for the top-level (status bar $) itself.


Works as it does for ordinary divs, but is ignored for the top-level (status bar $) itself.

It is possible to invoke (status bar $) with different style classes at different times, in order to vary the look of the status area during gameplay. When reducing the size of the top status area (e.g. drawing a status bar of height 1em after having drawn one of height 2em), be aware that some interpreters hide the extraneous lines, while others regard them as being part of the main window.

Interpreters that do not support the top status area still execute the code inside the statement, but discard the output. Use (interpreter supports status bar) to check for support at runtime.

The inline status area

The web interpreter for the Å-machine backend also supports an inline status area, which behaves like an ordinary div at first. However, every time a new inline status area is created, the previous one (if any) vanishes from the screen.

Interpreters that do not support the inline status area still execute the code inside the statement, but discard the output. Use (interpreter supports inline status bar) to check for support at runtime.

Visualizing progress

The built-in predicate (progress bar $ of $) draws a progress bar scaled to fit the width of the current div. It is rendered with character graphics on the Z-machine backend.

Clearing the screen

To clear the main text area, excluding the top status area, use (clear). To clear the entire screen and disable the top status area, use (clear all). These predicates may not be queried from within a span, link, or status area. Such queries will result in a runtime error.

Be aware that on some interpreters, clearing interferes with the player’s ability to scroll back and review earlier parts of the play session.

The Å-machine web interpreter supports clearing everything that the player has had a chance to read. This means all output up to and including the last line of input. The operation is triggered with (clear old).

Another built-in predicate is (clear div). This clears, hides, or folds away the current div. It is currently only supported by the Å-machine web interpreter. Note that if more output is sent to the cleared div, this new output may or may not be visible to the player.

All of the above predicates succeed (except when they generate a runtime error). All of them may be ignored by interpreters.


User input is represented by dictionary words.

The Dialog compiler collects all dictionary words mentioned explicitly in the source code (with the @-prefix or as bare words inside lists), as well as every literal word that can come out of a (collect words) or (determine object $) expression. In addition, the system makes sure to provide a single-letter dictionary word for every character supported by the underlying platform. Together, these words make up what’s called the game-wide dictionary.

It may be helpful to know that there’s a difference between dictionary words at the Dialog level, and the native, low-level words of the Z-machine. Dialog dictionary words are an abstraction over several different kinds of internal representation. That being said, it is the specific constraints of the low-level Z-machine dictionary that determine where the split occurs between the essential and optional parts of a given dictionary word.

There are two built-in predicates for obtaining input from the player. One waits for a single keypress, while the other reads a full line of input.

Get key

	(get key $Char)

This predicate waits for the player to type a character.

Some interpreters indicate that the game is waiting for input by displaying a flashing cursor. Others don’t, so story authors may wish to prompt the reader explicitly.

The parameter, $Char, is unified with a dictionary word representing the character that was typed, e.g. @e if the E key was pressed. Note that dictionary words are case-insensitive, so for letters of the alphabet there is no way to tell whether the player was holding shift or not. Digits are represented by numbers.

A few non-printable keys are recognized, and reported using special dictionary words:

Key Special dictionary word















These special dictionary words aren’t supposed to be printed. In the debugger, they will come out as their source-code representation, which is useful during tracing. Other interpreters may print them differently, or not at all.

A simple keypress dispatcher can look like this:

(program entry point)
	(get key $Key)
	(handle keypress $Key)

(handle keypress @a)
	'A' was pressed.

(handle keypress @b)
	'B' was pressed.

(handle keypress @\n)
	RETURN was pressed.

Get input

	(get input $WordList)

This query blocks execution until the player types a line of input, followed by return. Different interpreters provide different levels of line-editing facilities, ranging from simple backspace handling all the way up to input history and spell checking.

The parameter, $WordList, is unified with a list where each element represents a word typed by the player. The punctuation characters full stop, comma, double quote, semicolon, asterisk, and parentheses are treated as individual words; the remaining text is separated into words by whitespace. If a word is recognized as one that appears in the program-wide dictionary, then the element will be that dictionary word. Else, if the word is a decimal number in the range 0–16383, the element will be that number.

If the word was neither recognized, nor found to be a decimal number, then Dialog will attempt to remove certain word endings, and check whether the remaining part of the word exists in the dictionary. This procedure is necessary for games written in e.g. German, whereas English games generally do not require it.

To specify removable endings, add one or more rule definitions to the predicate (removable word endings). Each rule body should consist of one or more word endings:

(removable word endings)
	%% German adjective endings
	en es em e

(removable word endings)
	%% German noun endings
	e en s es

The part that remains after removing the ending is referred to as the stem of the word. If the stem consists of at least two letters, and exists in the program-wide dictionary, then the resulting dictionary word will have the stem as its essential part, and the ending as its optional part. During comparison (unification with another bound value), only the essential part is considered. During printing, both the essential part and the optional part are printed.

During tracing, dictionary words are displayed with a plus sign (+) separating the essential and optional parts. Thus, if the German word “klein” is part of the game-wide dictionary, and the player enters KLEINES, that word appears as @klein+es in the trace logs, and unifies successfully with @klein.

If a word of input isn’t recognized at all, even after considering the removable word endings, then it’s an unrecognized dictionary word. It can still be stored in a variable, retrieved, and printed back, and it will unify successfully with other instances of the same unrecognized word. When tracing is enabled, unrecognized dictionary words are displayed with a plus sign at the end.

For instance, the input TAKE 02 UNKNOWNWORD,X BALL may, depending on the contents of the dictionary, be represented by the list: [take 2 unknownword , x ball]. As part of a trace, it might be displayed as [take 2 unknownword+ , x ball].

Special gotcha: Recall that zero-prefixed numbers in the source code, as well as numbers that are out of range, are treated as words. If 007 appears in the program in such a way that it becomes part of the program-wide dictionary, then it will show up as a dictionary word in the list returned by (get input $). Otherwise, it will be represented by the numerical value 7.

The Å-machine backend supports a form of hyperlinks, for the purpose of simplifying text entry on mobile devices. The syntax is:

	(link $Target) statement

The following example creates a piece of text, “clickable”. Clicking on the text has the same effect as typing the words THE LINKED TEXT and pressing return.

	Here is some (link [the linked text]) { clickable } text.

Note that the words are appended to the end of the current contents of the input buffer, so that the player might type a verb, and then complete the sentence by clicking on e.g. a noun from a room description.

The link target must be a flat list of words and/or integers, like the ones obtained from (get input $). It can be computed at runtime.

When the target is identical to the clickable text, a short form is available:

	Why don't you (link) {open the drawer}?

A query to (clear links) transforms earlier hyperlinks into regular, non-clickable text. This is useful after a substantial scope change, such as when the player has moved to a different room. Links in the status areas are not affected.

Å-machine interpreters are not required to support hyperlinks at all, and some may provide an option to turn them off for players who find them distracting. The built-in predicate (interpreter supports links) can be used to check whether hyperlinks are supported and enabled. When they are not, the would-be-clickable text shows up as normal text.

Hyperlinks are always disabled on the Z-machine backend.


The Å-machine backend supports embedded graphics, as well as links to external web sites, using a common mechanism. A resource is defined with the following syntax:

(define resource id) location

The id is any bound Dialog-value, such as an integer, a dictionary word, an object, or even a list.

The location is either a URL with one of the schemes http, https, or mailto, or a local filename. Local files are copied into the .aastory file, and this is the recommended way to work with feelies and embedded graphics.

When a resource has been defined, it’s possible to link to it using the following syntax:

    (link resource $Id) statement

Here is an example:

(define resource @manual)

(define resource @web)

(understand command [about])
(perform [about])

	Please make sure to check out the (link resource @manual) {printed
	manual} that was bundled with the game.


	For more works by the same author, head over to
	(link resource @web) {}.

Not every interpreter or backend supports links. Use (interpreter supports links) to check for this feature at runtime. Alternatively, make sure that all of your sentences with links also make sense as plain text.

It is up to the interpreter to decide what happens when the player clicks on a link to a resource. The Å-machine web interpreter opens the file or web site in a new browser tab.

Embedded resources

It is also possible to embed a resource, such as a picture, into the story text. This is done with the built-in predicate (embed resource $).

In general, interpreters won’t be able to embed every conceivable kind of resource. When defining a resource, it is possible to add an alt-text that can be displayed instead of the resource. The alt-text appears at the end of the resource definition, separated from the location by a semicolon:

(define resource id) location; alt-text

If no alt-text is specified, the filename (i.e. location) is used as a default value. Only the actual filename is used as alt-text, not the full path.

The built-in predicate (interpreter can embed $) checks whether the current interpreter is capable of displaying a given resource. If not, (embed resource $) will display the alt-text instead.


(define resource #lighthouse)
	media/lighthouse.png; A small model of a lighthouse.

(style class @center)
	margin-top: 1em;
	margin-bottom: 1em;
	text-align: center;

(name *)	lighthouse
(dict *)	small tiny model silver
(descr *)
	It's a tiny model of a lighthouse, made of silver.
	(if) (interpreter can embed *) (then)
		(div @center) (embed resource *)
	The lighthouse glistens in the moonlight.

In the above example, the (div $) splits the text into two paragraphs if the interpreter is able to embed png files. Otherwise, there will be no paragraph break, and no alt-text.

With an eye towards future extensibility, this language feature has been designed to be open-ended. Resources could conceivably be any kind of multimedia, including sound and animation. Interpreters are supposed to restrict this vast space of possibilities to a manageable set of supported file formats. The current version of the Å-machine web interpreter, for instance, only embeds graphics in png or jpeg format. Other backends (Z-machine, debugger) just print the alt-text.

About local filenames

Local path names are interpreted relative to the resource directory, which defaults to the current working directory. A different resource directory can be specified with the -r option to dialogc.

All resources bundled into an .aastory file must have unique filenames, regardless of their path. Thus, you can’t define one resource with the filename “hero/face.png” and another with the filename “heroine/face.png”. This restriction might be relaxed in future versions.


If the program is currently running inside the interactive debugger, (log) statement will execute the inner statement—usually a block—in a stoppable environment. Output from the statement will appear between line breaks, in a distinct style. This is useful for adding temporary printouts to the code. For instance:

(program entry point)
	(log) { Program started. X = $X }
	($X = 42)
	(log) $X

looks like this in the debugger:

Program started. X = $

but like this when the code is compiled:

Hello, world!

The following built-in predicates are also useful for debugging:


If the program is currently running inside the interactive debugger, suspend execution and print the current source code filename and line number. When execution resumes, this query succeeds.

Outside of the debugger, the query simply succeeds.

(trace on)

Enables tracing. Following this, debugging information will be printed when queries are made, and when rule bodies are entered. The interactive debugger will also report when solutions are found, and when dynamic predicates are updated.

(trace off)

Disables tracing.

If the program source code contains a query to (trace on) anywhere, the compiler backend will insert extra instructions all over the generated code, to deal with tracing. This is known as instrumenting the code, and it makes the program slower and larger. Thus, you’ll only want to use these predicates temporarily, during debugging. The compiler prints a warning when it adds the extra instructions.

Please be aware that the Dialog compiler and debugger do optimize your program, and you will be tracing the optimized code, so certain queries and rules will be missing from the debug printouts. You will generally want to do all your tracing in the debugger, which mercifully turns off some of the more confusing optimizations. That being said, tracing the optimized Z- or Å-code can be useful when trying to speed up a program.

Determining objects from words

This section is mainly of concern for library programmers, so story authors may safely skip it.

Dialog has a special construct for matching player input against in-world object names in a very efficient way:

	(determine object $Obj)
		object generator
	(from words)
		word generator
	(matching all of $Input)

This statement will backtrack over every object $Obj for which:

  • object generator succeeds, and

  • word generator, when exhausted, emits at least every word in the $Input list.

The variable $Obj should appear both in the object generator and in the word generator, and the object generator should contain a multi-query to backtrack over a set of objects. A canonical example is:

	(determine object $Obj)
		*($Obj is in scope)
	(from words)
		*(dict $Obj)
	(matching all of $Input)

A non-optimizing compiler could deal with this construct as follows: First, compile normal code for the object generator. Then, exhaust every branch of the word generator, collecting all its output into a temporary list of words. Finally, check that every word of $Input appears in the temporary list.

However, the Dialog compiler and debugger both perform the following optimization: At compile-time, they analyze the word generator statically, and construct a reverse lookup table, mapping words of input to objects. At runtime, this table is consulted first, based on $Input, to determine what objects the player might be referring to. So, for instance, if the input is LARGE HAT, and there are only two game objects for which (dict $Obj) can produce both of those words, then $Obj will now be bound to each of those two objects in turn. But if there are dozens of large hats, $Obj may instead be left unbound; the compiler is allowed to make a trade-off between speed and memory footprint. Either way, after this step, the operation proceeds as in the unoptimized case.