Chapter 2: Objects and state
Populating the game world
Things in the game world are represented by objects (hashtags) in the Dialog language. Dialog objects are thin; they are identifiers without any code or data inside them. They exist, as names, simply by virtue of being mentioned somewhere in the source code. But they have no contents. Instead, the game world is modelled using predicates where a predicate is a collection of rule definitions.
We will now extend our minimal example with two objects: A table (called
) and a chair (#chair
). We will give them names and
descriptions, categorize them using traits (a kind of inheritable properties),
and place them in their initial locations. All of this is achieved by defining
%% Rules describing the table:
(name #table) wooden table
(descr #table) It's a sturdy wooden table.
(supporter #table)
(#table is #in #room)
%% Rules describing the chair:
(name #chair) chair
(descr #chair) It's a plastic chair, painted white.
(on-seat #chair)
(#chair is #in #room)
%% These are the rules from the minimal story in the previous chapter:
(current player #player)
(#player is #in #room)
(room #room)
Every rule definition starts with a rule head (the part within parentheses), which must begin at the leftmost column of a line in the source code. The rule head is optionally followed by a rule body (that’s the non-parenthesized text in the above example), which may continue onto subsequent lines, as long as those lines are indented by at least one space or tab character.
A double-percent (%%
) in the source code begins a comment that lasts to the end of
the line.
The rule body is a piece of code that can be executed.
Plain text is an instruction
to print that text.
Some special characters (#
, $
, @
, ~
, |
, \
, parentheses, brackets, and
braces) need to be prefixed by a backslash (\
). No special
treatment is required for apostrophes or double quotes.
Other instructions may appear within parentheses in rule bodies: For instance,
inserts a line break, and (par)
inserts a paragraph
break. Text in the source code can be formatted freely, because it is broken
down internally into a stream of words and punctuation characters, and then
reassembled, with space characters automatically inserted in all the right
places. This process eliminates the risk of duplicate or missing spaces, line
breaks, and paragraph breaks.
(descr #table)
It's a sturdy wooden table.
%% The following instruction inserts a paragraph break (a blank line).
%% The following instruction would normally insert a line break, but it
%% has no effect here because of the preceding paragraph break.
You got this table from your late aunt Margareth.
The resulting object description would look like this:
It's a sturdy wooden table.
You got this table from your late aunt Margareth.
To reduce the repetitiveness of coding by rules, Dialog provides a bit of
syntactic sugar: It is possible to set a
current topic,
which is an object name, by mentioning that object at the leftmost
column of a line. Then, whenever an asterisk (*
) appears in a
position where an object name could go, it is understood as a reference to the
current topic. This feature makes the code more concise, and easier to type out:
(name *) wooden table
(descr *) It's a sturdy wooden table.
(supporter *)
(* is #in #room)
(name *) chair
(descr *) It's a plain chair, painted white.
(on-seat *)
(* is #in #room)
(current player #player)
(#player is #in #room)
(room #room)
Thus, we have created two tangible objects in our room, given them source code
names (#table
, #chair
), printed names (“wooden table”, “chair”),
and descriptions to be revealed by the
verb. We have also categorized the objects: The table is a
supporter, which means that the player is allowed to put things on top of it.
The chair is an on-seat, which is a special kind of supporter that the player
may sit on. The standard library defines many other standard categories that may
be used by stories, and we’ll take a closer look at them in the upcoming chapter on
The predefined categories include containers and
in-seats (such as armchairs), as well as rooms.
We have also defined an initial location for each object. A location has two
parts: A relation (#in
) and a parent object (#room
). In
addition to #in
, the standard library supports the relations
, #under
, #behind
, #heldby
, and #partof
Descriptions, appearances, and synonyms
The (descr $)
predicate prints the external description of an object;
what it looks like when viewed from the outside. Another predicate,
(look $)
, prints the internal description of an object, i.e. what it
looks like from the inside. This is used for room descriptions.
Let’s add a room description to our example game:
(current player *)
(* is #in #room)
(name *) tutorial room
(room *)
(look *) This is a very nondescript room, dominated by a wooden table.
(notice #table) %% Binds the word “it” to the table.
(name *) wooden table
(descr *) It's a sturdy wooden table.
(supporter *)
(* is #in #room)
(name *) chair
(descr *) It's a plain chair, painted white.
(on-seat *)
(* is #in #room)
Try this game! You can LOOK
, and then X IT
, and
(on what? Answer CHAIR
Did you miss the chair in the room description? In Dialog, as a general design principle, game objects do not call attention to themselves. They are assumed to be part of the scenery, and it is up to the story author to mention (or subtly hint at) their existence in the prose, like we did with the table. Nevertheless, there is a way to furnish objects with appearances, which are displayed in separate paragraphs of their own after the room description:
(appearance *) You notice a conspicuous chair here.
The room description would then turn into:
Tutorial room
This is a very nondescript room, dominated by a wooden table.
You notice a conspicuous chair here.
Appearances can be very handy for objects that move around during gameplay. This includes objects that the player might pick up, and drop in another room. We will learn more about such objects—and appearances—when we get to the chapter about items.
How does the game know that CHAIR
refers to the chair object? By
default, the standard library assumes that every word that appears in the
printed name of an object, i.e. the body of the (name $)
rule, can be
used to refer to it. If the player types several words in succession, they must
all refer to the same object, so WOODEN CHAIR
does not match any
object in this game. We can easily add extra synonyms to an object, using the
(dict $)
(dict #chair) white plain
Now the game would understand SIT ON THE WHITE CHAIR
, for instance.
Add some synonyms to the game and try them out!
What happens if you add “wooden” as a synonym for the chair, and type
? What about SIT ON WOODEN
Noun phrase heads
To assist with disambiguation, it is also possible to declare certain words to be potential heads of the noun phrase for a given object. The head of a noun phrase is the main noun, such as “cap” in “the bright red bottle cap of doom”.
Thus, we might define:
(name *) red bottle
(dict *) crimson decanter
(heads *) bottle decanter
(name *) red bottle cap
(heads *) cap
Now, if the player types EXAMINE BOTTLE
, this is unambiguously
interpreted as a request to examine the bottle, not the bottle cap, because one
of the heads of #bottle
was given. If the player types
, the game will ask if they wanted to examine the red
bottle or the red bottle cap. In response to that, the answer
is unambiguously understood as the #bottle
The list of noun heads is only consulted to resolve ambiguities. If the player
attempts to TAKE BOTTLE
while holding the bottle but not the cap,
for instance, then that is interpreted as a request to take the bottle cap.
Typically, (heads $)
definitions are added as needed, on a case-by-case
basis, when ambiguities turn up during playtesting.
Defining new predicates
It’s easy to conjure up new predicates. We simply define one or more rules for
them. For instance, we might want to put the primary construction material of
our objects in a separate predicate that we call (material)
(material) caramelized sugar
This predicate can then be queried from within rule bodies, like so:
(name *) (material) table
(descr *) It's a sturdy table made of (material).
We can use
to pass parameters around. In the
following example, a generic object description calls out to object-specific
material and colour predicates. The standard library doesn’t know about these
predicates; we just created them by defining rules for them. The library queries
(descr $)
, and we take it from there:
(current player *)
(* is #in #room)
(descr *) It's you.
(name *) tutorial room
(room *)
(look *) This is a very nondescript room, dominated by a
wooden table. (notice #table)
(name *) table
(material *) caramelized sugar
(colour *) dark brown
(supporter *)
(* is #in #room)
(name *) chair
(material *) plastic
(colour *) white
(on-seat *)
(* is #in #room)
(descr $Obj) It's (colour $Obj) and made of (material $Obj).
Note that the rule for (descr `player)
, on line four, supersedes the
generic rule for (descr $Obj)
, at the very last line. This is solely
due to the order in which they appear in the source code. When coding in Dialog,
make sure to always put specific rules before generic rules.
Variables are local to the rule definition in which they appear: In the example,
is only available from within the last rule. If we were to use a
variable named $Obj
inside one of the other rules, that would be a
completely unrelated variable.
Queries either
fail or succeed.
When a predicate is queried, each rule definition is tried in program order, until a
match is found. If there is no matching rule, the query fails. As a general rule
of thumb, predicates that print text should be designed to always succeed.
Therefore, we’ll often want to put a catch-all rule at the end of the program,
with a wildcard ($
) in the rule head:
(material $) an unknown material
(colour $) beige
The standard library provides a catch-all rule for (descr $)
, printing
a stock message along the lines of “It seems to be harmless”. But for our
material and colour predicates, we have to provide our own catch-all rules.
Object locations
At runtime, objects of the game world are organized into object trees. Every object has (at most) one parent, and a relation (in, on, under, behind, held by, or worn by) to that parent. The root of a tree has no parent. Sometimes you will run into the expression “the object tree of the game”, as though every object were part of a single, huge tree with only one root. Technically, it is more correct to say “the object forest of the game”, because there can be more than one root object. Rooms don’t have parents, so every room is the root of a tree.
In the Dialog standard library, the object forest is encoded using two
predicates: ($Object has parent $Parent)
and ($Object has
relation $Relation)
. For brevity, there’s an
access predicate
that combines them into a single expression: ($Object is
$Relation $Parent)
. We have already seen that one defines the initial location
of an object like this:
(#chair is #in #room)
and, due to the access predicate, the above is equivalent to the following pair of definitions:
(#chair has parent #room)
(#chair has relation #in)
From within a rule body, you may query the access predicate to determine the current location of an object:
(descr #apple)
The apple
(if) (#apple is #in $Parent) (then)
in (the $Parent)
looks yummy!
The output of the above code might be:
The apple in the fruit basket looks yummy!
With a multi-query, you can backtrack over every object that has a particular location:
(descr #basket)
It's a plain fruit basket.
(exhaust) {
*($Child is #in $Obj)
There's (a $Child) inside.
Dynamic predicates
The location of an object is
dynamic, which means that it can
be modified at runtime using the (now)
(descr #apple)
(if) (#apple is #in #basket) (then)
The apple seems to be very shy. As soon as you look at it, it
jumps of its own accord into the fruit basket.
(now) (#apple is #in #basket)
The standard library also uses dynamic predicates to track the internal state
of game world objects. For instance, ($ is closed)
succeeds when a
particular openable object (such as a container, or a door) is currently closed.
access predicate
($ is open)
is defined
as its negation, ~($ is closed)
, allowing both forms to appear as
queries, now
-expressions, and initial value definitions.
A convenience predicate, (open or closed $)
, prints the word
“open” if the given object is open, and “closed”
otherwise. The same thing can of course be coded explicitly with an
if statement.
(openable *)
(* is closed)
(descr *)
The box is (open or closed *).
Pandora looks at her box. (descr #box)
(now) ~(#box is closed)
She looks away for five seconds, and then looks at it again,
just to check. (descr #box)
(game over { That's just life. })
The following dynamic predicates are used by the library:
Dynamic predicate | Negated version | |
Changed by: |
Changed by:
Changed by: |
Never changed by the library. |
Object has been moved by the player. |
The player has been inside this room. |
Not suggested during disambiguation. |
Hidden objects
Hidden objects, ($ is hidden)
, can be in scope (meaning that the
parser will recognize them as nouns), but the library is careful not to mention
them. Thus, if the player carries a pink slip, and the current room contains a
pink elephant that is hidden, then EXAMINE PINK
will print the
description of the slip, with no disambiguating questions asked.
will examine the elephant, as would
if the slip weren’t there. The idea is to improve the
experience of replaying a game, while avoiding spoilers on the first
Hidden objects can be revealed either by directly updating the flag,
(now) (elephant is revealed)
, or by querying (reveal $)
the given object. A hidden object is also revealed implicitly when its name is
printed, or when (notice $)
is invoked on it.