Chapter 11: Miscellaneous features
Dialog allows the player to refer to recently mentioned objects using the words
, and THEM
. For
this to work, when the story author calls attention to an object as part of the
prose, they must tell the library about it. This is done by querying the
(notice $)
predicate. It is generally only done for highly conspicuous
objects mentioned at the end of room or object descriptions, like so:
(female #alice)
(look #library)
Exits lead east and north. The room is lined with bookshelves.
Alice is seated by a table.
(notice #alice) %% Set up “her” to refer to Alice.
(notice #table) %% Set up “it” to refer to the table.
Objects marked (plural $)
are associated with the pronoun
, but it is also possible to notice an entire list of objects:
(male #bob)
(female #emma)
(look #office)
Bob and Emma are here today.
(notice #bob) %% Set up “him” to refer to Bob.
(notice #emma) %% Set up “her” to refer to Emma.
(notice [#bob #emma]) %% Set up “them” to refer to the pair of them.
This allows e.g. the following exchange:
In the office
Bob and Emma are here today.
Trying to talk to Bob: There is no reply.
Trying to talk to Emma: There is no reply.
In addition to objects noticed by explicit queries to (notice $)
, the
library will notice the first object mentioned by the player as part of an
action, except when that object is a direction or a relation. Thus, when
is followed by OPEN IT
, the word
is generally understood as referring to the envelope.
To clear the current set of associations, query (clear all pronouns)
Two its
Dialog treats the pronoun IT
in a special way: The player’s “it”
(i.e. the first object mentioned in the most recent action) is tracked
separately from the narrator’s “it” (specified using notice
). The
narrator’s “it” plays second fiddle to the player’s “it”: Whenever a
player’s “it” is defined, the narrator’s “it” is short-lived and only remains
valid for the next non-command action. But this is sufficient to capture many
ambiguous situations and prevent misunderstandings:
A wooden marble is in the box.
Did you want to take the wooden marble or the box?
The dual-it feature is particularly effective, and invisible, when one of the actions is deemed more likely than the other. Consider the following playable example:
(current player #me)
(room *)
(#me is #in *)
(look *)
There's a small safe here. (notice #safe)
(name *) small safe
(openable *)
(name *) pearl necklace
(item *)
(* is #in #safe)
Now the following exchange is possible:
You open the safe, revealing a pearl necklace.
You take the pearl necklace.
But so is this one:
You open the safe, revealing a pearl necklace.
You close the safe.
List manipulation
In addition to a handful of built-in predicates, the Dialog standard library provides the following predicates for working with lists:
- ($List contains one of $Keys)
Succeeds if
contains any element from the list$Keys
. - ($List recursively contains $Element)
Succeeds if
is nested anywhere inside$List
. - ($List contains sublist $Sublist)
Succeeds if it is possible to obtain the value
by starting with$List
and removing zero or more elements from its beginning and end. - (length of $List into $N)
Counts the number of elements in
. - (nth $List $N $Element)
Retrieves element number
from the list. The elements are numbered starting with 1. - (last $List $Element)
Retrieves the last element of a list.
- (take $N from $List into $Prefix)
Takes the first
elements from a list. - (randomly select $Element from $List)
Retrieves one list element at random, or fails if the list is empty.
- (reverse $Input $Output)
Reverses the order of the elements in a list.
- (remove duplicates $Input $Output)
Removes duplicate elements from a list.
- (remove from $List matching $Keys into $Output)
Removes any elements found in the list
. - (split $List anywhere into $Left and $Right)
Similar to the built-in
(split $ by $ into $ and $)
, but without keywords; splits the list anywhere. Useful for parsing e.g.GIVE ATTILA THE HUN A COOKIE
Lists of words
- (print words $List)
This is a handy predicate for printing back player input. It iterates through the given list, and prints each element in turn.
- (Print Words $List)
This predicate iterates through the given list, and prints each element in turn, with the initial character converted to uppercase. It is useful for printing back names supplied by the player.
Object tree manipulation
The Dialog standard library organizes objects into tree-like structures using a
combination of the built-in ($ has parent $)
dynamic predicate, and a
regular predicate called ($ has relation $)
. The following two access
predicates are useful:
- ($Obj is $Rel $Parent)
Succeeds when
is a direct child of$Parent
, and has the given relation to it. At least one of$Obj
should be bound. Can be used in(now)
-statements when all parameters are bound. - ($Obj is nowhere)
Succeeds when
has no parent. Can be used in(now)
-statements when$Obj
is bound.
To check whether an object is nested under a given ancestor in the object tree, or to backtrack over every ancestor of an object, or to backtrack over every descendant of an object, use:
($Obj has ancestor $Ancestor)
At least one of the parameters must be bound.
The following predicate is similar to ($ has ancestor $)
, but also
unifies the topmost relation (to the $Ancestor
) with the middle
- ($Obj is nested $Rel $Ancestor)
At least one of
must be bound.
Every object that is in play should ultimately be nested inside a room object. To find it, query the following predicate:
- ($Obj is in room $Room)
is the input and must be bound;$Room
is the output. The predicate fails if there is no surrounding room. If$Obj
is itself a room,$Room
is simply unified with it.
To check whether an object is part of another via any number of intermediary parts, or to backtrack over such relations, use the following predicate:
- ($Obj is part of $Ancestor)
At least one of
must be bound.
Items of clothing may be located underneath other garments. To check whether an
object is directly #wornby
a person or nested under an object that is,
- ($Obj is worn by $Person)
The first parameter must be bound.
When writing before
-rules for actions, the following
predicates may come in handy:
- (ensure $Obj is held)
Attempt to take
if it is an item, but not currently held. Attempt to remove$Obj
if it is worn, or nested under something worn. - (recursively leave non-vehicles)
While the player character is the direct child of an object that is neither a room nor a vehicle, make an attempt to leave that object.
Directions and numbers
To print an adverb phrase corresponding to a direction, use
(present-adverb $)
or (from-adverb $)
. Use (opposite
of $ is $) to find its opposite.
Direction | Present-adverb | From-adverb | Opposite |
above |
above |
below |
below |
inside |
inside |
outside |
the outside |
to the north |
the north |
To print a numeric value with words, use:
(spell out $N)
Predicates for debugging
The standard library offers a couple of predicates that are meant to be used from the interactive debugger.
- (scope)
Show the current scope, which typically includes all objects within reach and sight of the player, including the objects representing the current and neighbouring rooms.
- (actions on)
Enable tracing of actions as they are attempted.
- (actions off)
Disable tracing of actions.
Common checks and complaints
The following predicates are quite useful when writing
-rules: They check a condition, and succeed with a
message if the condition was met. Their names are mostly self-explanatory.
- (when $Obj is out of sight)
- (when $Obj is already held)
- (when $Obj isn’t directly held)
- (when $Obj is not here)
- (when $Obj is out of reach)
- (when $Obj is part of something)
- (when $Obj is closed)
- (when $Obj blocks passage)
- (when $Obj is already $Rel $Parent)
- (when $Obj is fine where it is)
- (when $Obj is held by someone)
- (when $Obj is worn by someone)
- (when $Obj can’t be taken)
Succeeds for non-items.
- (when $Obj won’t accept $Rel)
The given object does not accept new children with the given relation.
- (when $Obj won’t accept actor $Rel)
The given object does not accept the player character as a child with the given relation.
- (when $Obj is $Rel $Parent)
“You will have to get off the chair first.”
Note that it is possible to override these common complaint messages on a per-object basis, without editing the standard library code. Just remember that the when-rule needs to check the appropriate condition before printing the response:
(when #knight blocks passage)
(#knight is alive)
"None shall pass!" booms the Black Knight.
Asking simple questions
The standard library provides the following three utility predicates for obtaining simple user input:
- (yesno)
This predicate prints a prompt character, “
“, and waits for player input. If the input isY
, the predicate succeeds. If the input isN
, the predicate fails. Otherwise, it prints the message “Please answer yes or no" and tries again. - (get number from $First to $Last $Output)
This predicate prints a prompt, “(
)”, asking the player for a number in that range. The number can be entered using decimal digits, or spelled out in text. The predicate fails on non-numeric input, and on input that’s outside the specified range. - (any key)
This predicate waits for a keypress.
Identical objects
The Dialog standard library allows you to model game worlds with multiple identical objects. Authors are generally discouraged from doing this, because the existence of identical objects—and the frequent need to disambiguate between them—makes it difficult to maintain a good story-telling voice. Identical objects have a tendency to reduce even the most engaging narrative to an old-school, manipulate-the-medium-sized-dry-goods affair.
What’s more, the technique described here is relatively difficult to pull off correctly. It is not recommended for novice Dialog programmers.
Still interested? Great, let’s begin!
First of all, identical objects should be marked as fungible. This will affect how they are printed in object lists, and how player input is disambiguated. For performance reasons, the fungibility feature is disabled by default; it is enabled with the following rule definition:
(fungibility enabled)
To create many identical objects, you would normally invent a common trait for them, and then define rules in terms of the trait:
(marble #marble1)
(marble #marble2)
(marble #marble3)
(marble #marble4)
(marble #marble5)
(name (marble $))
(plural name (marble $))
(plural dict (marble $))
(*(marble $) is #in #bowl)
To save typing, Dialog provides a mechanism for generating such object definitions automatically. The following is mostly equivalent:
(generate 5 (marble $))
(name (marble $))
(plural name (marble $))
(plural dict (marble $))
(*(marble $) is #in #bowl)
The only difference is that the internal names (hashtags) of the objects are now numbers instead of source-code names. This can potentially make debugging harder.
Now that we have created a bunch of identical objects, we must tell the library that these objects are fungible, i.e. completely interchangeable. Fungibility is expressed as a pairwise relation:
(fungible (marble $) (marble $)) %% Any two marbles are fungible.
Now, in response to LOOK IN BOWL
, the library might print:
There are five marbles in the bowl.
A common printed name, (plural name $)
, must be defined for each copy
of the object for this to work. In addition, the plural noun—and only the
noun—must be declared using the (plural dict $)
predicate. Thus, if the
plural name is “glass marbles”, then the plural dict should only be “marbles”.
Although the objects start out identical, that will change as soon as the player
starts moving them around. The library considers two objects truly fungible if
they are fungible (by the aforementioned predicate) and have the same location.
Thus, the four marbles in the bowl are different from the one in your pocket,
and attempting to e.g. EAT MARBLE
will trigger a disambiguating
question: Did you want to eat a marble that’s in the bowl, or the marble that’s
held by yourself?
To ensure that such disambiguating questions work properly, we have to instruct the library to mention the location of each fungible object when printing actions:
(clarify location of (marble $))
Otherwise, it would just ask: Did you want to eat a marble, or the marble?
Of course, location is not the only property that makes fungible objects distinguishable; any dynamic predicate could have that effect. The standard library takes care of the location, but it is up to the story author to check any other properties that might differ, and to modify the full name of the object as appropriate. Thus:
(generate 3 (box $))
(name (box $))
(plural name (box $))
(plural dict (box $))
(item *(box $))
(openable *(box $))
(fungible (box $A) (box $B))
($A is open) ($B is open)
($A is closed) ($B is closed)
(the full (box $Obj))
($Obj is $Rel $Loc)
the (open or closed $Obj) box (name $Rel) (the full $Loc)
(a full (box $Obj))
($Obj is $Rel $Loc)
(if) ($Obj is open) (then)
an open
a closed
box (name $Rel) (the full $Loc)
%% No need for '(clarify location of (box $))', since we override
%% '(the full $)' and '(a full $)' directly.
Finally, recall that handled items are narrated by the standard library using a
predicate called (appearance $ $ $)
. This mechanism is extended to also
include groups of more than one fungible object. Such groups are narrated by the
standard library whether the objects are marked as handled or not. The first
parameter of appearance
will be bound to a list. It is strongly
recommended that all fungible objects are marked as handled from the start:
(*(marble $) is handled)
(*(box $) is handled)
Here is a complete example of fungible marbles inside fungible boxes:
(fungibility enabled)
(box #box1)
(box #box2)
(box #box3)
(marble #marble1)
(marble #marble2)
(marble #marble3)
(marble #marble4)
(marble #marble5)
(name (box $))
(plural name (box $))
(plural dict (box $))
(item *(box $))
(openable *(box $))
(*(box $) is handled)
(*(box $) is #on #table)
(name (marble $))
(plural name (marble $))
(plural dict (marble $))
(item *(marble $))
(edible *(marble $))
(clarify location of (marble $))
(*(marble $) is handled)
(#marble1 is #in #box1)
(#marble2 is #in #box1)
(#marble3 is #in #box2)
(#marble4 is #in #box2)
(#marble5 is #in #box2)
(fungible (marble $) (marble $))
(fungible (box $A) (box $B))
($A is open) ($B is open)
($A is closed) ($B is closed)
(the full (box $Obj))
($Obj is $Rel $Loc)
the (open or closed $Obj) box (name $Rel) (the full $Loc)
(a full (box $Obj))
($Obj is $Rel $Loc)
(if) ($Obj is open) (then)
an open
a closed
box (name $Rel) (the full $Loc)
(current player #player)
(name *) tutorial room
(room *)
(#player is #in *)
(look *) This is a very nondescript room, dominated by a
wooden table. (notice #table)
(name *) wooden table
(supporter *)
(* is #in #room)
(descr *) It's wooden.
, etc. Also
recompile without (fungibility enabled)
to see what happens.
Note that this is an inherently confusing situation. There will be disambiguating questions along the lines of:
Did you want to:
1. put the marble that's in the open box on the wooden table on the wooden table,
2. put a marble that's in the open box on the wooden table on the wooden table, or
3. put a marble on the wooden table?
Here, cases 1 and 2 refer to different open boxes.
As was pointed out at the beginning of this section, fungible objects tend make interactive stories less immersive, and more fiddly. On the other hand, a judicial use of fungibility could enhance certain scenes by making the interaction feel more natural, and that may sometimes be worth the extra work. It’s your call.
Fungible objects are good candidates for group actions.