Appendix: Predicate index

The following is an alphabetical list of publically documented library predicates, library macros, and built-in predicates, with links to the relevant sections of the manual.

Note that special syntax isn’t included here.

($ $)
($ < $)
($ = $)
($ > $)
(a $)
(A $)
(action $ may group $ with $)
(actions off)
(actions on)
(activate node $)
(activate parser)
(actor container $)
(actor supporter $)
(additional banner text)
(add $ to scope)
(after $)
(after disp $)
(a full $)
(A full $)
(allowed action $)
(amusing enabled)
(an $)
(animate $)
(any key)
(appearance $)
(appearance $ $ $)
(append $ $ $)
(asking for direction in $)
(asking for object in $)
($ attracts $)
(before $)
(before disp $)
($ blocks light)
($ blocks passage)
(bound $)
(choose $)
(clarify location of $)
(clear all)
(clear all pronouns)
(clear div)
(clear links)
(clear old)
(command $)
(compiler version)
(consultable $)
(container $)
($ contains one of $)
($ contains sublist $)
(current node $)
(current player $)
(current room $)
(current score $)
(darkness headline)
(default action $ $)
(default actions enabled)
(define resource $)
(decrease score by $)
(descr $)
(describe action $)
(describe topic $)
(dict $)
(direction $)
(disp $)
(display $)
(display memory statistics)
($ divided by $ into $)
(does $)
(doesn’t $)
(door $)
(early on every tick)
(edible $)
(embed resource $)
(empty $)
(ensure $ is held)
(enter $)
(error $ entry point)
(es $)
(excluded from all $)
(feel $)
(female $)
(fine where it is $)
(first group-try $)
(first step from $ to $ is $)
(first try $)
(fixed pitch)
($ flows to $)
(from-adverb $)
@(from $ go $ through $ to $)
(from $ go $ to $)
(from $ go $ to room $)
(from $ through $ to $)
(fully bound $)
(fungibility enabled)
(fungible $ $)
(game over $)
(game over option)
(game over status bar)
(get input $)
(get key $)
(get number from $ to $ $)
($ goes underneath $)
(grammar entry $ $ $)
@(grammar $ for $)
@(grammar $ for itself)
@(grammar $ for $ reversed)
@(grammar transformer $ $ $ $ $)
(group-after $)
(group-before $)
(group-instead of $)
(group-perform $)
(group-prevent $)
(group-refuse $)
(group-try $)
(has $)
($ has ancestor $)
($ has parent $)
($ has relation $)
(heads $)
(increase score by $)
(inherently dark $)
(initial label $)
(in-seat $)
(instead of $)
(intangible $)
(interpreter can embed $)
(interpreter supports inline status bar)
(interpreter supports links)
(interpreter supports quit)
(interpreter supports status bar)
(interpreter supports undo)
(is $)
@($ is $ $)
($ is broken)
($ is closed)
($ is exposed)
($ is handled)
($ is hidden)
@($ is in order)
($ is in room $)
($ is in scope)
($ is locked)
($ is nested $ $)
@($ is nowhere)
(isn’t $)
@($ is on)
($ is off)
($ is one of $)
@($ is open)
($ is part of $)
@($ is pristine)
@($ is revealed)
@($ is unexposed)
@($ is unlocked)
@($ is unvisited)
($ is visited)
($ is worn by $)
(it $)
(It $)
(item $)
(it $ is)
(its $)
(Its $)
(itself $)
(join words $ into $)
(label $)
(last $ $)
(late on every tick)
(length of $ into $)
(let $ climb $)
(let $ close $)
(let $ drop $)
(let $ enter $)
(let $ go $)
(let $ leave $)
(let $ open $)
(let $ put $ $ $)
(let $ remove $)
(let $ take $)
(let $ wear $)
(library links enabled)
(library version)
(list $)
(list objects $ $)
(lockable $)
(look $)
(male $)
(match grammar token $ against $ $ into $)
(maximum score $)
($ minus $ into $)
($ modulo $ into $)
(move player to $ $)
(name $)
(narrate climbing $)
(narrate $ climbing $)
(narrate closing $)
(narrate $ closing $)
(narrate dropping $)
(narrate $ dropping $)
(narrate eating $)
(narrate entering $)
(narrate $ entering $)
(narrate $ entering $ from $)
(narrate failing to leave $ $)
(narrate failing to look $)
(narrate leaving $)
(narrate leaving $ $)
(narrate $ leaving $)
(narrate $ leaving $ $ to $)
(narrate leaving $ $ by $)
(narrate leaving $ $ with $)
(narrate locking $ with $)
(narrate opening $)
(narrate $ opening $)
(narrate putting $ $ $)
(narrate $ putting $ $ $)
(narrate removing $)
(narrate $ removing $)
(narrate switching off $)
(narrate switching on $)
(narrate taking $)
(narrate $ taking $)
(narrate unlocking $ with $)
(narrate wearing $)
(narrate $ wearing $)
(nonempty $)
(no space)
(not here $)
(notice $)
(nth $ $ $)
(number $)
(object $)
($ offers $)
(on every tick)
(on every tick in $)
(on-seat $)
(opaque $)
(openable $)
(open or closed $)
(opposite of $ is $)
(out of reach $)
(pair $)
(parse game over $)
(perform $)
(player can see)
(player can see $)
(plural $)
(plural dict $)
(plural name $)
($ plus $ into $)
(potable $)
(present-adverb $)
(present-name $)
(prevent $)
(prevent entering $)
(print words $)
(Print Words $)
(program entry point)
(progress bar $ of $)
(proper $)
(proper topic $)
($ provides light)
(pushable $)
(query $ $)
(query $)
(random from $ to $ into $)
(randomly select $ from $)
($ recursively contains $)
(recursively leave non-vehicles)
(redraw status bar)
(refuse $)
(relation $)
(removable word endings)
(remove duplicates $ $)
(remove from $ matching $ into $)
(repeat forever)
(reveal $)
(reverse $ $)
(reverse-name $)
(rewrite $ into $)
(room $)
(room header $)
(s $)
(save $)
(save undo $)
(scoring enabled)
(seat $)
(select player $)
(serial number)
(sharp $)
(shortest path from $ to $ is $)
(singleton $)
(space $)
(spell out $)
(split $ anywhere into $ and $)
(split $ by $ into $ and $)
(split word $ into $)
(status headline)
(sticky $)
(story author)
(story blurb)
(story ifid)
(story noun)
(story release $)
(story title)
(style class $)
(supporter $)
(switchable $)
(take $ from $ into $)
(terminating $)
(that $)
(That $)
(That’s $)
(the $)
(The $)
(the full $)
(The full $)
(the $ is)
(The $ is)
(them $)
($ times $ into $)
(topic $)
(topic keyword $)
(topic keyword $ implies $)
(towards-name $)
(trace off)
(trace on)
(transcript off)
(transcript on)
(try $)
(uncountable $)
(understand $)
(understand $ as $)
(understand $ as any object $)
(understand $ as any object $ preferably $)
(understand $ as any object $ preferably animate)
(understand $ as direction $)
(understand $ as non-all object $)
(understand $ as number $)
(understand $ as object $ preferably $)
(understand $ as object $ preferably child of $)
(understand $ as object $ preferably held)
(understand $ as object $ preferably held excluding $)
(understand $ as object $ preferably takable)
(understand $ as object $ preferably worn)
(understand $ as single object $)
(understand $ as single object $ preferably $)
(understand $ as single object $ preferably animate)
(understand $ as single object $ preferably container)
(understand $ as single object $ preferably held)
(understand $ as single object $ preferably supporter)
(understand $ as topic $)
@(understand command $)
(unknown word $)
(unlikely $)
($ unlocks $)
(update environment around player)
(vehicle $)
(very unlikely $)
(wearable $)
(wearing $ covers $)
(wearing $ removes $)
(when $ blocks passage)
(when $ can’t be taken)
(when $ is $ $)
(when $ is already $ $)
(when $ is already held)
(when $ is closed)
(when $ is fine where it is)
(when $ is held by someone)
(when $ is not here)
(when $ isn’t directly held)
(when $ is out of reach)
(when $ is out of sight)
(when $ is part of something)
(when $ is worn by someone)
(when $ won’t accept $)
(when $ won’t accept actor $)
(word $)
(your $)