Chapter 6: Actions
Introduction to actions
Actions are data structures that represent the player’s intentions. They are constructed by a part of the Dialog standard library called the parser, in response to commands typed by the player. Once an action has been constructed by the parser, it is passed on to other parts of the program to be processed. Actions have much in common with events in other programming languages.
In Dialog, actions are represented by lists of dictionary words and objects. Here is an example of an action:
[give #apple to #eve]
Actions are thus a kind of stylized player input. The parser might construct the above action if the player types GIVE APPLE TO EVE, GIVE RED FRUIT TO HER, or even OFFER THE LADY EVERYTHING, depending on circumstances.
Verbs and prepositions are represented by dictionary words in the action. For nearly all of the standard actions, there is at least one form of recognized player input that uses the same words in the same order.
There is a subtlety here: Actions are lists of dictionary words and objects, but
raw player input, as returned by
(get input $)
, is also
represented by a list of dictionary words. Thus, the parser might encounter the
raw player input [inventory]
, and convert it to the action
, which happens to be the exact same Dialog value.
But the player input could equally well have been [i]
[take inventory]
, and the resulting action would still be
In Chapter 10, we will see how the parser produces actions in response to player input. For now, we will take the output of that process, i.e. the action data structures, as our starting point.
Intercepting actions
To get started, let’s consider one of the standard actions:
[open $]
. By default, this action will fail for objects that
are out of reach, non-openable, locked, or already open. Let’s add a new rule to
opening a particular box while its owner is in the same room as
the player:
(name *) box
(openable *)
(prevent [open *])
(current room $Room) %% Get the current room.
(#pandora is in room $Room) %% Check if Pandora is here with us.
You don't dare do that while Pandora is watching.
But suppose Pandora isn’t here, and the box is within reach, closed, and
unlocked. Now the open action will go through, and as a result, (#box is
is set, and a stock message is printed: “You open the box.”
We can change this stock message in one of two ways. The first and most
generally applicable technique is to define a perform
rule, overriding
the default behaviour of the action:
(perform [open #box])
Shooting guilty glances in every direction, you carefully approach
the box, peek under its lid, and slam it down again. The box was empty.
But this also overrides the default side-effect of setting the ($ is
flag of the object, so with the above code, the box remains closed after
the action has been carried out. The second technique allows us to override only
the printed message, while retaining the side-effects. All predefined actions
with side-effects (there are eighteen of them, and they are known as the core
actions) call out to their own individual narration predicates that we can
(narrate opening #box)
Shooting guilty glances in every direction, you carefully approach
the box, and lift its lid. It seems to be empty.
Sometimes it makes more sense to keep the action processing just the way it is, and tack on new behaviour at the end:
(after [open #box])
An inexplicable sense of dread comes over you.
Now, let’s consider going between rooms. As we learned in the chapter on
moving around, the predicate (from $ go $ to $)
defines obvious exits. This predicate is consulted by the default rules for
movement-related actions, but we can override those rules in order to implement
non-obvious exits, to block obvious exits, or to trigger cutscenes. In most
situations, the action we want to intercept is [leave $Room
: the action for leaving a room in a given direction.
(room *)
(your *)
(name *) shed
(look *) You are in your shed. The exit is east.
(from * go #east to #outdoors)
(from * go #out to #east)
(prevent [leave * #east])
But the world is such a wicked place.
(name *) wooden chair
(on-seat *)
(* is #in #shed)
(instead of [leave #shed #up])
(try [climb *])
In that example, the only obvious exit is to the east, but it doesn’t work.
Going up, on the other hand, is reinterpreted as a different action:
[climb #chair]
Now that we’ve seen how to override the default behaviour of some of the standard actions, it’s time to look under the hood and see the actual machinery that makes this work.
How actions are processed
Once the parser has understood a command typed by the player, and encoded it as a series of actions, each action is tried in turn. Trying an action involves several predicates, as illustrated by the following chart:
Everything starts with (try $)
, which is a predicate provided by the
standard library. The parameter is an action, and try
makes queries to
(refuse $)
, *(before $)
, and (instead of $)
passing the action along as a parameter. Briefly, the purpose of refuse
is to ensure that every object mentioned in the action is within reach of the
player character, and the purpose of before
is to automatically carry
out certain mundane actions for the player, such as opening doors before going
through them. Refuse is invoked twice, just to make sure that before
didn’t mess things up.
(instead of $)
is responsible for looking at an action in detail,
determining whether its particular prerequisites are met, and actually carrying
it out. The default implementation of instead of
delegates these
responsibilities to (prevent $)
, (perform $)
, and
*(after $)
, again queried with the action as parameter. Finally,
many of the standard (perform $)
rules make queries to action-specific
predicates such as (descr $)
. But at this point, the parameters are
usually objects.
Together, refuse
, before
, instead of
, perform
, and after
are known as the six
action-handling predicates. Stories typically define rules for them in order
to extend, adjust, or override the default behaviour of the standard library.
Each action-handling predicate can be intercepted to serve a variety of
purposes. Before we dive into that, however, it is necessary to introduce two
important mechanisms: Stopping the action, and ticking (advancing time).
Stopping and ticking
The parser may generate several actions in response to a single line of player
input. These are tried in turn inside a
stoppable environment, and therefore every action-handling rule has the power to stop
subsequent actions using the (stop)
built-in predicate. It is generally
a good idea to invoke (stop)
when we have reason to believe that the
player has been surprised: When actions fail, or when dramatic cutscenes have
played out.
After an action has been tried, the standard library will generally advance time
in the game world, by querying a predicate called (tick)
. The default
implementation of (tick)
to the story-supplied
predicates (on every tick)
, (on every tick in $Room)
(early on every tick)
, and (late on every tick)
. These can be
used to print flavour text, move non-player characters, implement daemons and
timers of various kinds, or anything else the story author might think of.
Time is not advanced after commands, i.e. actions such as
and [transcript off]
that take place
outside the game world.
(tick) (stop)
When an action-handling predicate decides to (stop)
everything, this
also prevents the usual ticking from being carried out. Therefore, a common
design pattern in action handlers is (tick) (stop)
, which
causes time to pass as a result of the present action, but stops any subsequent
Instead of: Prevent, perform, after
Now we return to the six action-handling predicates. We will not consider them
in chronological order; instead we will start with insteadof
, perform
, and after
as these are of most
interest to story authors.
Let us begin by looking at the catch-all rule definition for (instead of $), as implemented in the standard library. There are more specific rule definitions preceding it in the library, but this is the base case:
(instead of $Action)
~{ (prevent $Action) (tick) (stop) }
(perform $Action)
(exhaust) *(after $Action)
We see that if prevent succeeds, the action fails (after advancing time). Thus, a story author can easily prevent a particular action from succeeding:
(prevent [eat #apple])
You're not hungry.
Since the story file appears before the standard library in source-code order, its rules take precedence: There could be other prevent-rules in the library, but they will have no influence on eating the apple.
Here’s a variant where the rule is conditioned by a global flag:
(prevent [eat #apple])
~(the player is hungry)
You're not hungry.
If no prevent-rule succeeds, control is passed to the (perform $)
predicate. This is where the action is carried out, as per the following
(perform [read #welcomesign])
The sign says “WELCOME”.
(perform [read #loiteringplaque])
The plaque says “NO LOITERING”.
There are two important differences between prevent
: The first is that the sense of prevent
is negated,
meaning that the action fails when the predicate succeeds. The second is that
is invoked automatically when a prevent-rule succeeds. Thus, the
above example (with a bit of surrounding context) could lead to the following
Trying to read the large sign: The sign says “WELCOME”.
Trying to read the small brass plaque: The plaque says “NO LOITERING”.
But the standard library contains a generic prevent-rule that causes
[read $]
to fail when the player is in a dark location.
Prevent-rules have precedence over perform-rules (this follows from the
implementation of (instead of $)
that we saw earlier), so if the player
attempts the same command in darkness, the process grinds to a halt already
after the first failed attempt:
Trying to read the large sign: It is too dark to read.
Recall that prevent-rules defined by the story take precedence over prevent-rules defined by the standard library. Sometimes this is not desirable. For instance, consider the following story-supplied rule:
(prevent [eat $])
~(the player is hungry)
You're not hungry.
Now, if the player attempts to eat a kerosene lamp, the game might refuse with a message about the player not being hungry. It would be more natural, in this case, to complain about the object not being edible, which is handled by a rule in the standard library. To get around this problem, we may wish to intercept perform instead of prevent:
(perform [eat $])
~(the player is hungry)
You're not hungry.
(tick) (stop) %% These are our responsibility now.
Likewise, a story might contain situations where the prevent-perform dichotomy
breaks down, and it doesn’t make sense to check for all the unsuccessful cases
before moving on to the successful cases. An alternative approach is to combine
everything into a large
if/elseif-complex in a
rule. As long as the unsuccessful branches end with
(tick) (stop)
, that’s a perfectly valid and useful approach
in story code. In library code, having separate prevent and perform stages is
preferable, since that structure is easier to adapt and extend from the outside.
After (perform $)
succeeds, the library makes a
multi-query to (after $)
. This
allows the story author to schedule events, such as cutscenes or reactions from
non-player characters, after specific actions. Because of the multi-query, every
possible branch of the after
rule is exhausted, which means that
several such rules can be attached to any given action.
The library never does anything in the (after $)
stage—it’s reserved
for the story author.
Be aware that some actions call out to other actions, using (try $)
, as
part of their default perform
rule. For instance, [greet
will fall back on [talk to $]
in this way. As a
consequence, the after
rules of the inner action (talk to) are carried
out before the after
rules of the outer action (greet).
Narration predicates
We have seen how to override the perform
rule of a standard library
action, in order to do something else entirely. But what if you wish to retain
the default behaviour of an action, such as taking an object, and merely add
some flavour to the message that is printed? As we will see in the chapter on
Standard actions,
the library defines eighteen core actions that are capable of modifying the game world. Each of these actions has
a perform
rule that calls out to a specific narration predicate, that
you can intercept. Thus, for instance, the following saves you the trouble of
updating the object tree to reflect the new location of the apple:
(narrate taking #apple)
(#apple is pristine)
You pluck the ripe fruit from the tree.
Likewise, some of the standard actions for exploring the game world call out to action-specific predicates, partly to save typing on the part of the story author, and partly to perform extra work before or afterwards:
(perform [examine #box])
It's a small, wooden box.
%% This works, but the rule head is cumbersome to type. It also
%% inhibits the default behaviour of invoking '(appearance $ $ $)' for
%% items inside the box.
(descr #box)
It's a small, wooden box.
%% This gets queried by the default perform-rule for examine.
Quite often, the action as reported by the parser could be understood as a
roundabout way of expressing a different action. Thus, climbing a staircase in a
particular location might be a natural way for the player to express a desire to
[go #up]
. Certainly, it should not be interpreted as a request
to place the player character on top of the staircase object. A well-implemented
story will handle these cases transparently, by transforming what the player
wrote into what the player intended. This is called diverting the action, and
it is achieved by intercepting the (instead of $)
rule, and querying
(try $)
with the desired action. This circumvents the normal
prevent-checks, which is good: After all, we don’t want the standard library to
complain about the staircase not being an actor supporter.
(instead of [climb #staircase])
(current room #bottomOfStairs)
(try [go #up])
(instead of [climb #staircase])
(current room #topOfStairs)
(try [go #down])
There is a subtlety here, related to how time is advanced in the game world: The
general rule is that code that queries (try $)
is responsible for also
calling (tick)
afterwards. But when we divert to a different action,
we’re already inside an action handler, so we trust that whatever code queried
us, is eventually going to query (tick)
as well.
Stories may invoke (try $)
directly to inject actions into the
gameplay, e.g. as part of a cutscene. This is typically done at the end of a
cutscene, followed by`(tick) (stop)`.
Refuse and before
Now let’s return to the two remaining action-handling predicates:
and before
. Consider this an advanced topic: Most of
the time, story authors won’t need to deal with these predicates directly.
To understand how they fit into the picture, we’ll first take a look at the rule
definition for (try $)
, as it is given in the standard library:
(try $Action)
~{ (refuse $Action) (stop) }
(exhaust) *(before $Action)
~{ (refuse $Action) (stop) }
(instead of $Action)
(try $)
%% Succeed anyway.
If refuse
succeeds, all subsequent action handling stops. Time is not
advanced. The default implementation of refuse
checks that all objects
mentioned in the action (except directions and relations) are within reach of
the current player character. If they’re not, refuse
prints a message
about it and succeeds, just like a prevent
rule. The reason for having
two different rules (refuse and prevent), is that it’s generally a good idea to
check for reachability first. The action-specific prevent-rules are then free to
phrase their failure messages in a way that presupposes reachability (e.g. “the
door is locked”, which you wouldn’t know if you couldn’t reach it).
Some actions do not require every object to be within reach. The most common way
to modify refuse
is to add a
negated rule definition.
So, for instance, examining does not require reachability:
~(refuse [examine $]) %% Don't refuse.
Another option is to require reachability for one object, but not the other. Here’s a snippet from the standard library:
(refuse [throw $Obj at $Target])
(when $Obj is not here)
(or) (when $Target is not here)
(or) (when $Obj is out of reach)
The above code makes queries to when-predicates; these check for common error conditions and print appropriate messages. The full set of when-predicates is documented in Chapter 11.
Also note the (just)
keyword, which turns
off the default refuse
-rule that is defined later in the
source code.
When a story overrides refuse
, the parameter is often bound to a
specific object. So, for instance, a rain cloud in the sky might be out of the
player character’s reach, But RAIN
would be understood as referring
to the cloud. In order to allow DRINK RAIN
, we might want to make
an exception:
~(refuse [drink #cloud])
(instead of [drink #cloud])
You catch a raindrop on your tongue.
Note that we also decided to bypass the normal prevent-checks by intercepting
instead of
rather than perform
. Another option would be to
declare the cloud to be (potable $)
Finally, before
-rules smoothen gameplay by taking care of
certain well-known prerequisite actions. Thus, if the player attempts to go
through a closed door, the game will automatically attempt to open it first. And
before that, if the door is locked and the player holds the right key, an
attempt is made to unlock the door. try
exhausts every branch of the
*(before $)
multi-query, so
there can be several before-rules for any given action.
By convention, before-rules should use (first try $)
to launch the
prerequisite actions:
(before [drink #bottle])
(#bottle is closed)
(first try [open #bottle])
(first try $)
prints the familiar “(first attempting
to …_)” message, before querying (try $)
, and then
. Ticking is important here, because e.g. opening a door and
entering the door should consume two units of time, even when the opening action
is triggered automatically by the game.
Group actions
This is an advanced topic. Feel free to skip this section and return to it later.
When the player types something like EAT OYSTER, HAM AND CHEESE
the usual outcome is that three separate actions are tried in sequence, i.e.
[eat #oyster]
, [eat #ham]
, and [eat #cheese]
It is possible to instruct the library to combine some of these actions into group actions. For instance, we could declare that ham and cheese, in that order, should form a group:
(action [eat $] may group #ham with #cheese)
The first action, [eat #oyster]
, is still passed through the
usual action-handling predicates, but the remaining two are combined into
[eat [#ham #cheese]]
which gets handed off to a set of
group-action handling predicates:
- (group-refuse $GroupAction)
By default, the group action is refused if
(refuse $)
succeeds for any of the constituent actions, i.e.(refuse [eat #ham])
or(refuse [eat #cheese])
. - (group-before $GroupAction)
By default, this predicate invokes
*(before $)
for each constituent action. - (group-instead of $GroupAction)
By default, this predicate invokes
(group-prevent $)
,(group-perform $)
, and(group-after $)
, in the same way that the default rule for(instead of $)
invokes(prevent $)
,(perform $)
, and(after $)
. - (group-prevent $GroupAction)
By default, the group action is prevented if
(prevent $)
succeeds for any of the constituent actions. - (group-perform $GroupAction)
By default, the group action is performed by querying
(perform $)
for each constituent action in turn. But the story author will typically override this with some code that performs and reports everything in one go. - (group-after $GroupAction)
By default, this predicate invokes
*(after $)
for each constituent action.
Thus, we might define a rule for eating the ham and cheese in one go:
(group-perform [eat [#ham #cheese]])
You savour the combination of ham and cheese.
(now) (#ham is nowhere)
(now) (#cheese is nowhere)
In many ways, the default behaviour of these rules is sensible and non-surprising, but there are two important gotchas:
The default group-action handling rules do not invoke
(instead of $)
for any constituent action. If you wish to use(instead of $)
to redirect a particular action, and that action might be part of a group action, make sure to also define a corresponding(group-instead of $)
rule to deal with the group action. -
Each stage (e.g. prevent) is carried out in full, before the next stage is allowed to influence the world model. If performing the first constituent action would normally cause the second to be prevented, grouping them together might create a loophole. Suppose you have a rule to prevent the player from eating something when they’re full. Normally,
(perform [eat #ham])
might make the player full, and(prevent [eat #cheese])
would then notice that the player was full and prevent the cheese from being eaten. But(group-prevent [eat [#ham #cheese]])
would check(prevent [eat #ham])
and(prevent [eat #cheese])
first, before the player is full. Then,(group-perform[eat [#ham #cheese]])
would go ahead and eat both objects, even though the player only had room for one. To fix this problem, add a rule for(group-prevent [eat [#ham #cheese]])
that aborts the group action if the player has room for less than two items.
In the above example, we allowed two specific objects, \#ham
, in that particular order, to form a group. The parser is
allowed to rearrange objects to form groups, as long as their internal order is
would result in the
group action [eat [#ham #cheese]]
followed by the normal
action [eat #oyster]
It is also possible to allow entire classes of objects to be grouped together.
Here we use the (edible $)
(action [eat $] may group (edible $) with (edible $))
Assuming the oyster, the ham, and the cheese are all marked as edible, this will
cause the input EAT CHEESE, HAM, OYSTER
to resolve into the single
group action [eat [#cheese #ham #oyster]]
. A corresponding
group-perform rule could look like this:
(group-perform [eat $List])
You savour the combination of (the $List).
(exhaust) {
*($Obj is one of $List)
(now) ($Obj is nowhere)
The predicates (group-try $)
and (first group-try $)
like (try $)
and (first try $)
, but for group actions. Thus,
for instance:
(group-instead of [eat [#cheese #ham]])
(group-try [eat [#ham #cheese]])
(group-before [eat [#ham #cheese]])
(first group-try [put #salt #on [#ham #cheese]])